By Nidhi Singh 

Kabaddi Defensive Skills 
Tackling the Odds



When a raider from the opposing team is making a move, the players stationed on their own side of the court are known as defenders. These defenders possess specific abilities aimed at restraining or intercepting the raider. Here are various methods employed for tackling.

1) Tackle

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True to its name, as the raider advances deeply on one side of the court, challenging the corner defenders, he finds himself unexpectedly obstructed at the rear by another defender who blocks his path entirely with their body.

2) Block

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The pivotal factor lies in coordination. It occurs when two or more defenders strategize, creating a chain to obstruct the raider’s route and subsequently employ a hold to halt the raider within their territory.

3) Chain tackle

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Executing this tackle demands immense strength. Defenders grip the raider around the waist, adjusting their hold based on the raider’s position, and then pull him mid-air, disrupting his balance and significantly diminishing his chance of escaping.

4) Waist hold

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Typically started by corner defenders, this tackle involves seizing the raider’s ankle as they try to secure a bonus point, as implied by its name.

5) Ankle hold

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Timing holds great significance in this scenario. Numerous cover defenders showcase this skill by accurately striking when the raider alters their path, gripping the raider’s thighs firmly with both hands.

6) Thigh hold

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In this move, the defender aims to grip both of the raider’s legs, needing support to prevent the raider’s upper body from escaping. It’s a technical tackle that demands practice. Although attempted by young defenders frequently, its success rate remains very low.

7) Diving ankle holds

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