Most trusted Athlete

Influencer marketing platform

The all-in-one influencer marketing platform - connecting your brand to the right influencer with the right audience for maximum ROI.
Promote your brand through athlete social media Endorsement WITH OUR NEW PLATFORM SPOTHLETE
What is Athlete Social Media Endorsement?

Social media has become the official voice of a brand.

Athlete social media endorsement is simply using the influence of an athlete on social media to fulfill a brand’s objectives.

The objective can be to gain traffic or just to convince people to use the brand.

Athletes as influencers are the best option if you want your brand to deliver the best results.

At KreedOn, you get a platform to explore and grab opportunities in the Indian sports ecosystem.

Work with the athlete influencers signed up with KreedOn and make your brand grow.

+Benefits of Working with Athletes as Influencers

  • High engagement rate due to authentic fan following.
  • Easy to maintain long term relationships with athletes.
  • Maintain quality of influencer content with the help of KreedOn.
  • Athletes are perfect role models for social media presentation.
  • Tap Indian tier 2-3 cities and towns.
  • They have a loyal audience. Helps generate brand loyalty.

How It Works


Discover athletes based on your brand’s marketing objective


Follow the set of instructions given by the brands or get help from KreedOn in designing various campaigns with athletes.


Athletes are requested with the instructions and give confirmation to publish posts. If athletes need help to fulfill brands instructions,KreedOn fulfills it.


The performance of the campaign is captured and reported with all the analytics.


Effortlessly Manage influencer relationships every step of the campaign.


Arpinder Singh


Poonam Rani Malik


dharun ayyasamy


Majiziya bhanu

Weight lifting

Yuvraj Valmiki


Dheeraj Rangi


Aditi Chauhan


Gaurav Bidhuri


Sai Praneeth


40+ More Athletes

Growing Successfully

Ready to drive revenue with your next influencer campaign?

Get in touch

Let's work together and make your brand go viral

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Marketing Objective